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May 15, 2011

Skinny Minnie?

Ugh so yeah i've finally decided it's time to lose weight, after about 20095498594 times of saying it. I'm not putting my current weight out there but i'm aiming to get to 8 st 9 :-\ and that's alot actually but i remember weighing myself at that, then I did it another time and I just ballooned, but to be honest, all i want to lose is my stomach and my arms. And my weight is mostly in my breasts as they are relativly heavy. I'm not going on a MAJOR diet because I love food too much and the weight i'm gaining at the moment is just going to my flat ass so it's all good! I'm currently size 10-12 depending on what I buy and the fitting, usually tight tops or hoodies/jackets I buy a 12 in cause of my b00bs. But I usually wear leggings/jeggings in a size 10. Size 8 is usually short on the leg cause I have big thighs (Which I plan to keep!). But I wanna get to size 8-10 so basically drop a dress size. Plus I have such a round face and double chin, no lie!
Thinspiration pics!
(Ignore the nudity, slightly worrying how many half nekkid girls I have on my laptop)
Focus on the belly area, that's what I'm looking at.. I think.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck ! But don't go too far

    Btw, I'm your latest follower, visit my blog and follow me back if you like

    xoxo Naomi


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Birmingham, United Kingdom
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